Face Mist & Hydrosol
Ever thought about what happens with that scented water left in the vessel after the essential oils have been extracted. We make floral waters/ hydrosols out of them. Yes! Floral waters are a liquid with the same efficacy and less of a concentration. These natural and pure floral waters are made from plant extracts via steam distillation, like that of essential oils. These fragrant natural flower-based hydrosols are an ideal fit for your skincare regime. You can use it as a face toner and a night mist spray. It aids to soothe skin irritation and calm down the itchiness. These mildly scented floral waters are suitable to use on new piercings, spots, sores, and other such mild skin states.
Moreover, the floral waters are perfect for soothing the skin from sun-burn effects and maintaining the skin's pH level. The most evident use is- floral waters are excellent hydrating agents for the skin. Use it as a mist spray, and you can notice wonders done. You can cherry-pick the hydrosol of your choice from the collection of best and pure floral waters. The pocket–friendly shop arcade for floral waters includes- eucalyptus floral water, tea-tree floral water, rosemary hydrosol, neroli hydrosol, lavender floral water, jasmine floral water, and chamomile hydrosol.