Eyez Gel 40 Plus Under Eyes Gel 15ml Removes Dark Circles Eyez Gel 40 Plus Under Eyes Gel 15ml Removes Dark Circles

Eyez Gel 40 Plus Under Eyes Gel 15ml Removes Dark Circles

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  • UNDER EYES DARK CIRCLE REMOVAL GEL – Eyez gel 20+ and 40+ contain proteins & peptides that help manage under-eye dark circles. It is also known to inhibit the formation of melanin, thereby helping in skin lightening.
  • REVITALIZES COLLAGEN – Eyez gel helps revitalize collagen and reverses the signs of aging. Peptides in Eyez gel decreases capillary permeability of the lower lid leading to a reduction in dark circles. It counteracts fluid accumulation in lower eyelids that cause puffiness.



Best Under-Eye Creams to Remove Dark Circles

What is the best product to remove dark circles under the eyes? This is one of the common questions people ask when they notice their dark circles and eye bags or maybe puffiness around their eyes; that now what! We know the skin area around the eyes – eye socket/ eye orbit needs to be handled carefully, especially when dark circles begin to appear. Introducing the Eyez Gel removes dark circles from the eyes and gives your eyes a beautiful and charming look. No more dark circles!

Eyez gel comprises proteins, peptides, DNA precursors & anti-oxidants, which help tackle dark circles, crow’s feet, wrinkles, eye bags, and puffiness. There are many factors that contribute to dark circles and eye bags, like swelling around the eyes, sun exposure, fatigue, lack of sleep, and eye strain. All this leads to compromised skin health and low self-esteem. Eyez gel helps manage all the above issues and is tested by Kelker Education Scientific Research Trust for its anti-tyrosinase and anti-elastase activity. It acts by penetrating deeply into the skin layer and improve the micro-circulation, which helps deliver rich moisturization that diminishes dark circles, eye bags, crow’s feet, and wrinkles. This product, for its efficacious outcome, has become the best dark circles remedy.

Eyes gel to remove dark circles – This magical formula deals with the dark circles and improves the baggy eyes, and ensures to have charming eyes with no under eyes issues.

Eyez gel is available in 2 variants – Eyez gel 20 plus improves dark circles and puffiness, whereas Eyez gel 40 plus improves dark circles, crow’s feet, and eye bags. How to apply: Apply Eyez gel in 1 stroke around the eyes at night. Apply mild moisturizer within 4-5 minutes of application. Apply sunscreen the following day.


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